4'33" August 29, 2018 at WAAM, featuring David Van Tieghem
An alphabetical press release about this year's (8th annual) anniversary performance of John Cage's 4'33": Tuesday, August 29, 2018 at WAAM in Woodstock, N.Y., 6pm.. by N orm Magnusson 1 - First off, so excited to have David Van Tieghem performing the concert this year. A huge shout out of gratitude to him for making the time this year to perform it!! Also, a super duper big thanks to Kay Larson, who will speak after 4'33" and before David plays some pieces of his own. Kay has spoken a couple of times before and is always entertaining and illuminating. She is currently working on her second book about John Cage. 2 - In around 2008, I was teaching a class at the Woodstock Day School entitled "Art That's Changed The Way I Look At The World Around Me." It was so much fun having so many artists and thoughtful individuals come and speak on that topic. David Van Tieghem was one of them. I knew he was going to perform 4'33...